Hello friends,
I trust the weekend was relaxing. I could still do with some more relaxing, to be honest.
Last week this topic came to me. I’ve decided to take on a challenge in four areas of my life and I’ve noticed all sorts of things happening. The universe responded to my intentions, questions and even provided answers. I’ve felt an increase in flow too.
Last week, one day, in particular, I realised how much statement clothes make, how much importance we give it, how clothes can make us feel different, good, special, high value, confident, professional, happy, sad, excited, in a fantasy, etc. I thought about the times in my life where I was far from my real self, and I’m sure most of us were when we finished high school and started working. I mean even how the cinema portrays detectives, superheroes, etc. is demonstrated with clothes. It’s the idea that people fall in love with not necessarily the purpose. – T. Dench Patel, 31 August 2020, 19:40
I wanted to write about this topic to tell you that it’s you who brings out what sits on you, what’s with you, not the other way round i.e. how you act, what you wear, how you pretend, how you cover up makes you no different than a chameleon, octopus, or other species that change colour to either find a mate, to be invisible to predators or manipulate their prey. Why? If meditation has taught me one important lesson from many it’s this, how you reset, start, deflect, conduct life all happens from within.
See, we get up and believe our casing is the key, it’s just a very small percentage of it. If we compare the earth and its layers to us and our casing, the earth’s mantle composes of eighty-four percent of the earth and the crust is just made of one percent while fifteen percent is the core. Similarly, if we look at the brain, eighty to eighty-five percent is made from the cerebrum (consciousness), ten to fifteen percent of the cerebellum (subconscious) and three to five percent is the brain stem according to neuroscience. Ninety-five percent of our behaviours come from the unconscious mind and five percent from the conscious mind. Here you can find the information for the neurons in the cerebrum and cerebellum along with the conscious and subconscious. Now looking at the famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud’s theory and the three levels of human consciousness, Buddhism’s theory match up. Now you’re probably asking how this relates to what we’re conversing about i.e. The world where naked souls depend on clothes.
We’re overriding where most of our self-worth and value comes from i.e. where we drive purpose from or conduct an authentic life. Majority of the world’s population is operating from and with one percent of the earth’s crust and eighty-five percent of the cerebrum. What I’m saying is, less is more, what I’m saying is the juice or call it superpowers if you must is actually sitting in the ten to fifteen percent region of the brain, and the fifteen percent of our core and so to reach that area it’s harder, it takes work (hence why one percent of the world can say they’re rich, smart, happy and very healthy). Just the same, love can’t solve everything, it requires some mental work too. Just the same, health can’t solve everything, it requires the mental consciousness too, the homeless person might be spiritual but is not serving the world, and so forth, get me? You need the lesser bit of the potent parts to carry out superpower, to find superpower, to operate and conduct life most of the time from there. Those parts are naked yet clothed, sorry covered by all the non-sense conditioning that we bought into and embedded them into our belief system.
So, here we are, we bath, we clean, we shave, paint our nails, buy nice clothes, etc. we do all these things to make our external body/image look great, to feel good. How’s that working? Is it lasting or being replaced with something new and cool? So what are we eating? You can’t eat rubbish and think the gym will burn it all away, get rid of all that, again ask yourself where we’re operating from? The five percent of burn out compared to the mass of rubbish we eat. How does that work with your energy? How does that work with the frequency of the energy you vibrate? We’re completely missing the point.
So, let me ask you? Try it for a week if you must.
How does it feel to wash the naked soul? How easy is it to feed the naked soul? How easy is it to transcend the naked soul? How easy is it to give the mind a workout? How easy is it to clear the rubbish energy from your system?
Again, less is more. Why?
Do you not see how much effort you make at impressing someone / attracting someone through your physical body if your energy is very low? It takes more work than actually starting with washing that energy off you and replacing it with a more vibrant one like by starting with ten to fifteen minutes of whatever works for you spiritually in your daily routine to attract the energy of another naked, cleaner, vibrant soul. So, what your naked soul is transmitting it’s attracting, and like a reflection in the water it comes back at you in your reality. So, I mean if you’re vibrating junk energy you get junk coming right at you.
The naked soul can’t be seen to the eye, just like the way the subconscious/preconscious mind operates, or for us to even get closer to the earth’s core to understanding what is really going on. This is an understanding very far from man and yet we operate from the easiest part of ourselves like robots, zombies, on autopilot and expect results. We’re dressing up our external bodies without even having a self-check on our spirit, soul, energy, and higher intelligence and then we sit there and judge people thinking that all people who get to the top are there because they started out rich. Nope, a price has been paid (whether it’s via experience, time or both), and consistent cleaning and peeling off layers has happened for people to ascend to where they are today. So, when you look at someone’s happiness or uprise, ask yourself, “How much soul work have they done to come here for them to honestly show true happiness and authenticity?”
Yours sincerely,
T. Dench Patel
Thank you for the comments and support. Thank you for offering to donate if there was a donate button on here. I prefer not to take donations. You can support by purchasing my books (Paperback or Kindle), The South African: True Colours, The South African: Roamer or my children’s book Light. These books can be found on Amazon mainly and other sites in your country.
The audiobook for The South African: True Colours is available on iTunes, Apple and Audible. The South African: Roamer and Light will be released soon.
Note: Do keep referring back to this site as much as possible, as I grow, a more profound perspective may form and so I will always come back to each of these articles to re-evaluate them.