Okay, so this one is an incredible topic that I believe both the young (17 years) and older are facing. I am also talking to people over forty and above on this topic.
I can talk into this topic because man (expression ?) if you only knew where I was when I started out in life… Seriously, so many people today are gobsmacked about the person I am today compared to the shy, voiceless girl they once knew… I was the girl who lacked, lacked a lot.
Have you ever had those times in your life where whatever idea you had in your mind and tried to reach never happened? The studies for the career you wanted isn’t happening the way you’ve planned? That job interview to become who you wanted to become was so close and then they rejected you and took someone else? Oh! My! God! Do you remember how you felt after putting so much effort in and even getting to the third round of the interview for that same job? Did you ever ask, is there something wrong with me? Why am I the one who can’t get the job no matter how hard I try?
Now I am speaking to people in all nations (both first world to third world countries). Do you know what it was as I kept looking at the patterns as I grew up even more and started reaching more goals?
The answer to why almost everything some people do that works out is this. Mindset and true (heartfelt) intentions.
Now I am going to repeat something here which you wouldn’t have read into.
Do you know what it was as I kept looking at the patterns as I grew up even more and started reaching more goals?
Let me explain my theory.
The key to what happens to you once you work out of alignment and play the game vs to what happens when you work in alignment with yourself and your values.
There comes a point where you finally get your foot in the door, and this is where people get lost. People who play the system to get to their goals, but have they given up what was once true to them? Are they distracted by the shiny objects (in this case all sorts of opportunities are coming to them that what they truly wanted from their heart initially isn’t attractive anymore)?
Then you get the person who follows through to get long-term growth, success and leave the normal mindset to become an inspiration without even knowing it. You won’t know the path you’re creating for others as you follow along without betraying your values and you. This is where you become an inspiration to others for all the right reasons.
I remember when I finished school. Some people went to work for the bank straight away because they didn’t have money for studies, some worked and studied. Those that couldn’t find work in the bank found work where they could. Some went to college while others went to university. Some even did their first year in university to realise that it wasn’t what they thought.
That phase after high school was a bit confusing and even nerve-wracking to some point to the majority because they were entering an unknown era in their lives. There is no “job tasting” before one has a vision about what they would like to become in their lives or before they choose their career in university or college.
So many go into any job to get a start because often you can’t have a dream job without experience. What about the ones who go to university and college? When they come out, they find themselves in the same boat as the person who had to go straight into work after finishing school. This is where it becomes complicated. Some are lucky to find work in their field of studies while others have to do something completely different. This is dependent on the family situation, finance and a number of reasons but it still goes to show that even though you have a temporary setback will you allow that to stop you to achieve what you truly want to achieve for YOU?
It’s when things start to take off and when it’s going good it’s going really good is where a lot of people get torn from their true heart intentions to the shiny object’s phase. It can get pretty confusing, you’re only human.
This is why you need to have your true heart intentions clear. This is where the mindset comes in. One would ask how do you know what is a true heart intention?
You got to ask yourself why you want it? How long you’ve wanted it? What is blocking you?
Is it passion, is it to prove something to someone, is it because your parents are telling you to do it, is it because your partner wants it more than you, is it so that you can have power and respect, do you love it, are you blocked because of self-limiting beliefs and so it is for you to explore the answers to these questions.
A tip
Even doctors, engineers, programmers later in life find that this wasn’t what they truly wanted. It’s because of years of living an unfulfilled life that they realise that their true intentions of what they wanted to be or do has been floating with them through all that time that they have become aware and noticed it. Only a few have the courage to step out of what isn’t fulfilling them to do what is possibly a bigger life purpose.
If you’re very young don’t wait till later to get to your true path, figure it out soon enough so that you get to fulfil a great fulfilling life purpose.
Something else: There are people who make it up along the way, they just simply want to experience life and while they experience it, they bump into their true heartfelt intentions and start pursuing it. This can happen at any age.
Life is a journey, enjoy and learn from it and don’t let it make you too serious…
Even though I’m “Serious Black” ?
T. Dench Patel
Thank you for the comments and support. Thank you for offering to donate if there was a donate button on here. I prefer not to take donations. You can support by either purchasing one of my books (Paperback or Kindle), The South African: True Colours, The South African: Roamer or my children’s book Light. These books can be found on Amazon mainly and other sites in your country.
The audiobook for The South African: True Colours is available on iTunes, Apple and Audible. The South African: Roamer and Light will be released soon.
Note: Do keep referring back to this site as much as possible, as I grow, a more profound perspective may form and so I will always come back to each of these articles to reevaluate them.