Far-reaching + Ambition + Mesmerise + Entertain = FAME
Fortune-ate + Accountability + Moral + Empower = FAME
You are the word FAME and it exists in your life no matter what you’re doing
Hello friends,
how are you? What? The end of the year is coming… Thank God, it’s the end of the year and not the end of the world! ? If Coronavirus keeps going on like this, who knows, I might end up writing the script of the next George Clooney movie who will be the only survivor living young, handsome, with Amal and their wonderful kids on planet earth happy ever after… or better yet… George Clooney and Amal saving the world and all kids from the big bad wolf… (oof I entered three little pigs again for a second) Corona annihilation.
This topic … stick with me, I’d really like to hear your thoughts on it. It came up and then like a nagging husband (oh! I forget, I never got married. Speaking on the behalf of the married) okay okay, just chill, some of you having nagging wives too… (got distracted).
Okay, this topic was nagging me, I walk to the lounge (there it was), I try and listen to music in peace (there it was), on the toilet seat (not a pretty sight, but anyways there it was :D), in the garden, on the dog walk, in the bushes, in the … omg… I just had to write it before it becomes a nightmare.
This topic came up, you know there are so many people who don’t get further in life because of limiting beliefs, and this one is a big topic and the big reason why. Many people consider FAME as something negative, heck! I remember when I was twenty-seven years old or so, and I said something related to FAME and I remembered how it was received, then when I was in the relationship where there was domestic violence, wow! How my ideas on FAME and what I got served for saying them just killed the whole enthusiasm making it a subject that was taboo.
So, as you know, the more and more my work became far-reaching long ago through my ambitions and the talented work that comes from the source which might be seen as entertaining to some; meaning FAME on whatever level that is, kept evolving and I’m sure for many celebrities out there the story is just about the same. Your FAME keeps evolving and it’s what meaning you give to it that ultimately the ninety-nine percent of the world is touched by either positively or negatively that will result in the meaning that many people give it. – T. Dench Patel, 29 December 2020, 13:14
Let’s look at a few meanings people might associate to the word FAME.
1) Fabulous + Awesome + Magical + Enliven = FAME
2) Factual + Adaptability + Mettle + Efficacious = FAME
3) Facultative + Angel + Magnanimous + Energetic = FAME
4) Fain + Authentic + Marvel + Emotive = FAME
5) Faithful + Assurance + Motivate + Engaging = FAME
6) Famed + Abundance + Magnify + Effervescence = FAME
7) Familial + Agree + Mindful + Elation = FAME
8) Familiar + Able + Merciful + Endearing = FAME
9) Family + Accept + Mainstay + Enamoured = FAME
10) Famous + Ascend + Magnetism + Ebullient = FAME
11) Fearless + Achieve + Magnitude + Enchant = FAME
12) Fiery + Avail + Munificent + Emancipate = FAME
13) First-class + Ardent + Masterpiece + Enrich = FAME
14) Friendly + Assure + Mellow + Equal = FAME
15) Fulfilled + Advise + Masterful + Excellence = FAME
You create yours… there are so many words that begin with F, A, M, and E and the ones above are interchangeable, and of course, you are not boxed or limited in your being by just these words.
You know what got me thinking about FAME or at least what I like about it. Love is the largest vibration and emits the highest frequency, there are a few on the top of the list that creates high- frequency vibrations and another one is gratitude. This is why you will see Paris Hilton wearing hearts or something with a heart (this is what I believe from the studies I’ve done with regards to the law of attraction and from watching one episode on Oprah on the proof and power of emitting negativity or positivity – in this case, it was a proof on positivity and frequencies).
Everyone wants to be recognised (whether you want to believe it or not), everyone wants to be acknowledged. I mean I damn well know what not being respected, acknowledged and a whole lot more feels like. I also want to live my best life, who doesn’t? I believe everything is possible, I’m the living proof. So, when someone looks at or comes across the word FAMOUS negatively it tells me that the person’s wish is unfulfilled and some healing/relationship needs to happen with the words FAME or FAMOUS. Why would you want to play small in life? Why would you want to hide a skill that you are so gifted at? Does it not deserve to be shared with more people? Why limit yourself? Why is there so much negativity around enjoying the rewards that come with it, i.e., acknowledgement if you’re mentioned publicly or if people are magnetised by your energy? Does that not make you a force of light if you are operating with values, morals and talents?
So, when I was going through a second rebranding check this year of Who am I and looked at over eight hundred values, where I cut down to having roughly eighty-two values with a few top ten ones… still chopping them down. What I’ve come to discover in this process is that the value FAMOUS was there on the list of eight hundred and something. I remembered being shocked when I saw it, but then I really dug in deep, and I realised that is one of the most powerful places of positivity one can stand in, if that is what I currently am (small or high level) and looking back I was in some way, shape or form that over the years, famous for rebelling against customs, famous for dancing, famous for being one of the first five or even fewer girls in my town to leave at a very young age and go and live my life in England, first one ever heard of leaving home at the age of twenty-one and going to start a life in England with one thousand three hundred pounds to my name, (this one is funny), I became famous at twenty-three years of age when I was probably the only known Gujarati girl in the town I grew up in for getting kicked out of the house (wasn’t funny then and disclaimer: don’t go do anything stupid to get kicked out of the house after reading this part), I have left a/many thought/s about me (hopefully a positive one/s :D).
And so, I write this article to challenge you all about who you are, really? And once you answer that honestly, work hard, relentlessly and honestly at that, go and serve globally, do the right thing, so that what you provide can be shared with others for betterment, because if you are on this planet then you are worthy of love and respect and with those who don’t get this don’t waste your time. It’s your life, go and be the best version of you that you can be. Remember all people who have reached FAME took things personally at some point or at many points in their lives, then their ideas got put down and even laughed at, then they got rejected, then they built tough skin, then it didn’t become personal anymore, then constructive criticism changed them, then not taking things personally made them great, then it made them FAMED or FAMOUS. – T. Dench Patel, 29 December 2020, 15:43
I’m so lucky that so many FAMOUS or FAMED people are reading this, my books, my articles and all that I am sharing.
Yours sincerely,
T. Dench Patel
Thank you for the comments and support. Thank you for offering to donate if there was a donate button on here. I prefer not to take donations. You can support by purchasing my books (Paperback or Kindle), The South African: True Colours, The South African: Roamer or my children’s book Light. These books can be found on Amazon mainly and other sites in your country.
The audiobook for The South African: True Colours is available on iTunes, Apple and Audible. The South African: Roamer and Light will be released soon.
Note: Do keep referring back to this site as much as possible, as I grow, a more profound perspective may form and so I will always come back to each of these articles to re-evaluate them.