You know what’s so great about being a writer? Well, it’s technically legal to be illegal, adventurous, and break all sorts of laws in a story than it is in real life. Now isn’t that fun? Just imagine what happens when a writer breaks out of jail, woof! You might get a Beatrix Bellatrix but imagine when a writer gets a breakthrough… now that my friend means… that’s a writer who has every sense of freedom, i.e., from heaven to earth! (Wow! Who thought the words of the tattoo on my back would reach this page? I forgot I even have that tattoo. It’s hard to remember the meaningful words printed on one’s back over 8 years ago, I mean it’s not like they can see them or see them every day.)
So, talking about the amazing world of writing, today I am sitting in Metropolis, at the Daily Planet ready to make a press statement for let’s say Superman’s new product. Man of Steel in his new set of blue robust tights. Okay, I don’t think that product will sell at all…
Alright, let’s look at how to write a press statement for a product, story, event, brands, even acquiring investors, and any other ways that a press release can work in one’s favour before we let the world know about Superman’s new set of blue robust tights.
In this article on how to write a press release statement, you will find an additional tool using a press release statement from all the various marketing plans a brand, company or person may use out there in today’s world.
What is a press release?
A press release is a story that is big enough to become news that is delivered by the news media be it in a form of a product update, brand update, an announcement or an official statement.
Benefits of a press release
1) Control the story of your business and brand
Reputation takes years to build and can sink in literary a second. Words can be just words if one cannot live up to them. When a brand becomes a leader, it is up to the organisation to control the image of the organisation to its continuous work and standards following its mission, values and morals.
2) It is a great marketing strategy
This strategy reaches a large audience at once without controlling the message just enough depending on the intention of the press release statement. It’s also a way to not divert from what is necessary for the public to know. I mean think about it, if a press release went out on “They are among us, every second person.” Hmm, I think that would cause the world to go crazy as if it isn’t crazy enough right now…
3) Increases the social media footprint, web traffic and SEO
By releasing a press statement, the product, brand, company, person, event, or the reason for the press release gets exposure not on to the actual subject but enough attention to create a search that helps boost content marketing.
4) Become/be/establish yourself as an expert in the field
A press release can catch the attention of a large audience at once which helps a lot in establishing a brand, company, person, or even a product as a leader or taking the lead in the market. This visibility is a great advantage compared to similar brands, or competitors who don’t use every opportunity they get or have at using such a tool. As a brand, product, person, or company raises the bar or their potential above similar brands, products, or companies they slowly take the lead over time by their several attempts to put themselves out there.
Why write a press release?
In today’s world, we no longer pay attention as much to newspapers as we do to the online world, such as social media, and online reading of the most popular media. Most of the news now takes place on the internet reaching a broader audience, including internationally.
While there is so much news out there and so much competition that the market is quite saturated, brands, companies, and people would need to have something worth offering in the press release statement that is succinct enough to be of value otherwise a press statement can have an adverse effect.
With the market being so saturated, new products, brands and stories always coming out companies, people, and brands need to reach as many people as possible for the true aim of the press release.
How to write a press release statement?
1) Know your target audience
This article is dedicated to everything you need to know about your target audience.
2) Follow a structure
In how to write a press release statement there is a structure that is similar to all press releases with the addition of a few more extras. These additions depend on the organisation, brand, or person.
In how to write a press release statement the following can be added while some are most important in the general structure of a press release.
Summarise the story in the title by crafting an appealing headline.
- Intro/Lead
Introduce the main topic around why the press release statement was created while leading to the next steps from the catchy heading and introduction.
- Source
Here go into the context and all the important supporting information. The remaining information that is important around the release that the reader needs to know and the angle that makes it into the news.
Make the body of the press release essential to the audience.
- Quotes that are relevant to the press release
- Anything else?
- Contact information
The contact information is necessary so that investors, journalists or any important aspects around the coverage of the press release statement can be discussed with the person, brand or company.
Reporters care about what matters and helps their readers, and if the press release strongly helps the audience, they will be very interested.
In the boilerplate one would add any important information about the company and yourself. It’s almost as if this part of the press release statement is like a business card.
When to use a press release
1) Breaking news
2) Launching a new business, product or service
3) Competition or contest
4) Collaborating or partnering with a charity, community or celebrity
5) Hosting an event
6) Product updates
7) Winning an award
8) Sharing a customer success story
9) Announcing a merger or acquisition
10) Rebranding your business
11) Promoting or hiring a new executive
Terms used in press releases
- The term press release or news release means that journalists can publish the press release the minute they receive it.
- The term “under embargo until” followed by the embargo date means that that’s the date the reporters can publish the press release.
Press release formats
1) PDF
2) Plain text
Even though today we hardly hear about press releases as much as we did back in the day, having a press release statement is still a very important part of marketing especially in competing with the news.
Well at least today you are lucky to find yourself on the topic of how to write a press release statement rather than a character in my writing piece, just imagine if we got onto each other’s dark side, especially if you’re the villain… I hate to see my dragons coming after you…
Anyways, here are some more resources below on how to write a press release statement.
You can also have a look at How to write a press statement short video.
Drop us a comment below and follow us or share this article on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
In the next article, I will be going into writing a film treatment.
Yours sincerely,
T. Dench Patel