When we wake up to the A-hole we once were, we ignite the artist in our genius and….

When we wake up to the A-hole we once were, we ignite the artist in our genius and…

When we really get rid of the shit, you know that petty shit that keeps us in low vibrational states, we stop playing with the A-hole or the ego, and that’s when we really get to the point of what really matters. The alignment of self to face the self, and I guess when that happens, we sit down and really look at what matters. When that begins to spin, conversations happen, it is when the genius awakens, it is when we really don’t play the game with fear or doubt, we just go, go all in and that’s when the magic happens, almost like the universe aligns itself to the genius. Where something so true, genuine, and for the positive of all is involved, you know, the intention, then it can only fall in place magically, be the magic, and create more magic – T. Dench Patel, 22:50, 15 August 2021

A soul living in a body is no different to a body living in a home. Here’s why

A soul living in a body is no different from a body living in a home. Here’s why?

Now, to write this article, I have undergone, (otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to mentor this person) some years of negative experiences. I could say that these negative experiences feel very negative especially when you transcend from one culture (a born culture) with some good and not-so-great practices to another distinct culture with some good and not-so-great practices. So, see, the grass is never really green on any side, it’s just the unknown perspective that makes it look greener on the other side.

It really is hard to screw up the right thing

It really is hard to screw up the right thing

You know we often live our lives wanting to control so much that it scares us especially amid confusion, cloudy thoughts, the busy days or the moment things are not going right that we forget it really is hard to screw up the right thing. I mean many people that say, “It’s hard to screw up your destiny,” or “you can’t mess up the right one,” or “you can’t screw up what is meant to be.

Three main things that are not working in favour of South African lives

Three main things that are not working in favour of South African lives

I am sure there were many many South Africans who missed some really important meetings, especially when they had to close a deal, or were in the middle of discussing one online. While in many parts of the world load shedding doesn’t happen, it was my first time experiencing this sort of electricity cuts in my two years here. I have never had to worry about the electricity going down unless there was a really important reason and I have always paid my bills. It was when COVID hit that I thought about how South Africans are going to keep the economy running while implementing social distancing when we have load shedding as a national issue compared to (so far, I know no other) other countries that don’t have this sort of a problem.

What is gaslighting?

What is gaslighting?

With gaslighting, the victim often starts to believe they are the problem. The abuser is a master liar and will dodge all the truths about their destructive behaviour by lying. Gaslighters try and show others that they are worried about the victim subtly and inevitably make people, friends, family members, the social circle of the victim and their own groups believe that the victim is unstable, has medical conditions that are not even true, that the victim is the one who has the bigger problem or issue. The Gaslighter may also use this by making the victim feel that others feel the same about them even when they don’t.

The day God, Universe, Source energy, Higher power call it what you want stopped time

The day God, Universe, Source energy, Higher power call it what you want stopped time

Then one year later arrived and The day God, Universe, Source energy, Higher power call it what you want stopped time for everyone. Let’s face it, a lot of us were tired of “keeping up,” keeping the façade up, keeping the strength up (whatever that means) that is sold to us falsely; lying in bed for a little longer or for the time one needs was negatively looked at, or that one must be a human being that never shows weaknesses or tiredness. “What, you are not working, OMG!” what is “to work” supposed to mean?

REAL people and REAL-life stories that will REALly inspire you

REAL people and REAL-life stories that will REALly inspire you

Lily Elbert born in a Jewish family, had a wonderful family life until the Nazi’s arrived at their house. They were ordered to hand over all the jewellery and all their valuables were confiscated. When Lily was 4 or 5 years old her mother gave her a small gold pendant. Her brother knew how important it was to her that he hid the pendant in her mother’s shoe.

To be worth it

To be worth it

While so many people have fallen off their boats right now, just like the year 2008 it’s important to remind yourself heck ourselves not to push against the waves, just stop resisting this change, find your anchor, find a wooden board, somethings to paddle with (if you find other things to capture water, stay warm, catch fish with, great) get on it, stay dry, choose your wave and go if you have to, but just keep moving, just keep taking action until slowly things fall into place… And with faith… Soon enough someone will find you or you will find it, and that my friends, will just be the beginning… it would all be worth it! T. Dench Patel, 4 May 2021, 1606

Who are you gonna be – Michelle Obama

Who are you gonna be? – Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama didn’t ask, “What are you gonna do?” “Who are you gonna be?” meaning how do you plan to embody everything that you are in your daily life and how will you respond to that. “Who are you gonna be,” is a serious question and some of you out there reading this article have no idea what this real world is like, what space it will hold for us, who might even be around us when we have no one but ourselves to rely on when something is very important to us, or if something is threatening how far we have come in life thus far, “Who are you gonna be?”

How being present is fundamental to becoming a woman or a man?

How being present is fundamental to becoming a woman or a man?

It takes continuous and small moments of being present and ensuring the environment is healthy for growth which means as much as one would need to pay their school fees, pay for their clothes, their necessities; material wealth to help with their growth it requires just as much being present because children appreciate the time one spends with them, they connect better that way, they keep those golden moments in their memory, because they are not aware of the real world and how money is involved in it to the extent that we adults are aware of.