How can betrayal be misrepresented?

How can betrayal be misrepresented?

I can say one thing for sure, betrayal is when something is done with 100% selfishness resulting in someone’s pain. It is often done to a person that cares, has/had trust for someone or loves someone. The hurt comes with a swipe (on big one) at a time meaning one action at a time. Almost as if one action or deed has erased/wiped out what everything has been built on. The first thing that comes to mind if I have to give a definition of the word betrayal is this. It is when someone feels cheated, robbed, lied to, manipulated by, abused by someone who has put their self-interest first often for something less valued, superficial and off the righteous path.

Betrayal usually comes from selfishness while mispresented betrayal comes from selflessness – T. Dench Patel, 6 April 2021, 17:01

Where does light come from?

Where does light come from?

Now to go even deeper just as diamonds do, did you know that natural diamonds form 150 to 200 km from the surface of the ground, a diamond is not ever formed on the earth’s surface. The diamond, its value, the shine, the light was once all carbon, a dark matter, that was once solid atoms arranged in a form of crystals. This is how come diamonds have traits of carbon in them. Diamonds found on the surface were transported perhaps through eruption.