The fish that left the pond

The fish that left the pond

Choosing to stay with the dead, (we can take this literally or figuratively), is a choice we make/made. The dead parts of animals, humans, plants all fall away so that growth can take place. For some reason, we as humans, many of us hold onto the dead things (stories, old truths – that we keep and make them part of our current truths, ways of living, default autopilot thinking, toxic people, etc.). Control is one thing we really want and often too much that it works against us. What if, what if I tell you we put way too much pressure on ourselves on the things we are controlling. Why? Take a look at where we are, each one of us. Some of us know each other here, and we wonder why someone is so far in life and why we are where we are. Why? Because we are controlling the things that are not serving us, that we should let go to set us free so that we can grow, while the same can be said for not controlling the correct things that help us with our growth.