Self-made, which one is more likely to last? Ripping someone off vs settling for your worth

Self-made, which one is more likely to last? Ripping someone off vs settling for your worth?

You know, today, I was telling my dad at lunch that to earn a million and to land up with a million still calling oneself a millionaire are two very different things. Why? A millionaire who has struggled their way to make their first million and sustained it had to master much within themselves and even possibly stretch their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual self and then one can be a millionaire without knowing how to manage people, answer people, be reckless and unstable. See the difference? Experience rightfully earns a person their place in this world through continuous growth by even putting theoretical learnings into practice. Growth and investment in the self all the time. A millionaire who can master that level in the game to reach the next level is more prepared than one who has no idea about where and when to start. T. Dench Patel, 20 April 2020, 17:09