Give and take – Every single second we do this as we breathe – What don’t we realise

Give and take – Every single second we do this as we breathe – What don’t we realise?

The most important point to make here is that we need plants to take in carbon dioxide (CO2) so that we can get oxygen in return (O). So, all living things on earth are not here by chance. The fundamental thought of just understanding the breath and how everything around us actually works with a bit of mindfulness now just made sense, i.e., we cannot exist without something else and something else cannot exist without us – T. Dench Patel, 22 April 2021, 17:05

It’s the law of the universe, it’s the order of the universe, and so if I was to ask you what happens if you take too much and give nothing back, the balance flips everything off. Giving and taking is an essential part of our lives subconsciously, and breathing is not something we do consciously. I mean, have you ever heard of Grant Adam, he wrote the book Give and Take: Why helping others drives our success. I read about Grant Adam in the New York times; an article published about how he works, and the philosophy he uses behind one’s success. Wait, one sec, let me see if I can find it….