She said, “It’s hard to make real friends in Johannesburg,” and I wondered, “Perhaps it’s hard in any place in the world.”

She said, “It’s hard to make real friends in Johannesburg,” and I wondered, “Perhaps it’s hard in any place in the world.”

I think it’s important to consider that if one has been living in a place all their life or moved not so far away, real friends always make each other accessible and the downside with moving is that she said, “It’s hard to make real friends in Johannesburg,” and I wondered, “Perhaps it’s hard in any place in the world,” is very true of our lives and being in any part of this planet, until COVID arrived, after COVID I don’t know, but I can only speak for me, I’ve started the journey to become the friend that many friends wish to have in the world even if they’ve met me for the first time (I really hope I do well here) because I can truly tell you how that feels with the life I had before COVID. I wish and when you read this sentence, please wish me well on this as I wish you too that I can be seen as a genuine friend even if we’ve met just once and keeping fingers crossed, we’ll be friends for life.

Taking out the trash

Taking out the trash

I mean let’s face it, cleaning out the energy calls the spirit home. Wouldn’t you want to go home all excited if you enjoy living there if it’s really clean? Who wants to go to a negative home, who wants to live in a dark room, in a dark space? The majority wouldn’t. Darkness, dark energy, dark things attract darkness, dark situations and light attract the light things in life, light situations most of the time. A spirit is called to its home but it’s better if it loves coming home.  – T. Dench Patel, 16 March 2021, 16:54 Wouldn’t you want to hang out at home if everything is cool?

The braver you get in a life constructed out of the box the greater the target you are

The braver you get in a life constructed out of the box the greater the target you are

However, this is not the only reason why the target is greater on you, everything you offer will either be scrutinised, or it will be of honest help to who uses it, reads it (if you’re a writer), the target audience and even to the audience that is just not aligned at all to your message, vision, product or you. This can either come and haunt you or it can either come to bless you. The truth is we’re all trying (or at least most) to end up having blessed outcomes, but even if the intention is there, it doesn’t always end up that way, and so the braver risk a lot living out of people-pleasing mode and most work more in purpose-driven mode. T. Dench Patel, 10 March 2021, 16:57 That doesn’t make you people’s favourite, I must say.

Money is a great servant but a bad master – Lord Francis Bacon. The laws of money

Money is a great servant but a bad master – Lord Francis Bacon. The laws of money

Law number 1 – Everything is moving, nothing rests. Are you moving forward or backwards? As Bob Proctor puts it, “grow or die”, “create or disintegrate”, “rich or poor”.

Law number 2 – Karmic law, sow or reap, cause and effect, action and reaction. Thoughts, feelings, and actions that you express in life are the seeds that you sow that conditions, circumstances and things that come into your life is the harvest you reap of the seeds that you sow.

A life of no expectations

A life of no expectations

Living a life of expectations automatically comes with disappointment as a side effect, just like an overdose of anything. Living on a high then processing the high and quick wins especially without sitting down, discussions, processing it within the mind and seeing if the plan can be bettered, made advance, more full proof, perhaps what a plan A, B or C looks like, but the key is, NOT GETTING ATTACHED TO THE OUTCOME, i.e., to what is planned but allowed for surprises.

Asking powerful questions

Asking powerful questions

Asking powerful questions take just as much art as answering a powerful question, but that also depends on your inner game, i.e., how confident are you, are sure of yourself, intuitively how do you feel about answering the question, why is it being asked, and by who. Wouldn’t you agree, if you don’t like someone, and you’re stuck with having to talk to them, you’d either ask closed questions, rather light questions, have things be short and sweet?

Relationship resilience – How COVID has tested your relationships

Relationship resilience – How COVID has tested your relationships

You know, this isn’t something that is out there, but with 2020 I definitely knew of several people who had marriage on the cards, and I feel that the news hasn’t really put this out in the forefront. I don’t know, over the weekend this topic came across my mind, and I was like, “Gosh, I really would like to know the statistics around this, challenges, etc.” I know so many people have said, “We have never been in each other’s space, like for this long, and with the risks, we have never felt the lows that we have felt like this year ever.”

Change the meaning of your belief – Thinking for yourself– First principles thinking

Change the meaning of your belief – Thinking for yourself– First principles thinking

First principles thinking is a form of thinking that allows the idea to become whole from breaking down the composition of the requirements so that each requirement can be seen as whole and true to form, something much bigger that is ultimately the full product of all these little whole and true components making it a whole, true and beautiful product. First principles thinking can be applied to almost anything that a person is creating, music, writing (me writing this), a product, a dish… you name it, and for Elon Musk… yes, you already know.