Employers fail to educate, supervise and empower women and then women make it difficult for other women

Employers fail to educate, supervise and empower women and then women make it difficult for other women

So, let’s say you finished school. Maybe you’ve had the opportunity to study at a private school or you’ve studied at a public school, maybe you’ve had an opportunity to get an apprenticeship, go to college, university or maybe you just had to go out and work straight away because your family could not afford…

Are you an educated woman? Does that mean you’re educated in your romantic relationships?

Are you an educated woman? Does that mean you’re educated in your romantic relationships?

Over the last forty years, there has been an uprise in the number of educated women in Britain. Take a look at the statistics on this link https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/21/women-are-better-educated-than-their-husbands-but-men-still-earn-more.html Here is another link https://www.ifs.org.uk/publications/12951 Over the last eighteen years or so there has been an uprise in the number of educated women in third world countries…

How different is the situation to someone who has died to someone you’ve ended an intense relationship with?

How different is the situation to someone who has died to someone you’ve ended an intense relationship with?

So many people don’t have an idea how many unresolved issues lies within them when it comes to their close circle of family and friends until someone close to them has left this planet forever. We also underestimate what difference closing off topics of the past with this person will do for their life before…