No need to be an Indian to get an arranged marriage. The system forces you to get one overseas. If you want a “beating”, it is likely to happen. There’s nothing put in place for a single woman seeking independence in her own right easily.

No need to be an Indian to get an arranged marriage. The system forces you to get one overseas. If you want a “beating”, it is likely to happen. There’s nothing put in place for a single woman seeking independence in her own right easily

I have no idea how I came to this article, hmmm okay let me be frank with you. You know why I came to write this article? I just never thought about this topic until a week ago and what reminded me is this article that I came across right about now. If you’re…

Poetry, Inspiration and Irony

Poetry, Inspiration and Irony

Be around positive people with good intentions. Beauty is skin deep. Una citazione in Italiano. Be the truth Own it girl. Own it man. Light the way…You are the trailblazer Everything happens for a reason even if you can’t see it right now Set sail on a course to become your best version. Thank you…

Hindu or Muslim? Why Indians can’t seem to stand as one race till today in South Africa? I can’t speak for the rest of the world...

Hindu or Muslim? Why Indians can’t seem to stand as one race till today in South Africa? I can’t speak for the rest of the world…

I gave this article this title because South Africa is still a very racist country. We’ve gained independence in 1994 and can’t even set an example for other countries considering our history that I, as a traveller, faced racism abroad. Racism has followed me throughout my life. The worst thing was that I left South…
