Self-made, which one is more likely to last? Ripping someone off vs settling for your worth

Self-made, which one is more likely to last? Ripping someone off vs settling for your worth?

You know, today, I was telling my dad at lunch that to earn a million and to land up with a million still calling oneself a millionaire are two very different things. Why? A millionaire who has struggled their way to make their first million and sustained it had to master much within themselves and even possibly stretch their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual self and then one can be a millionaire without knowing how to manage people, answer people, be reckless and unstable. See the difference? Experience rightfully earns a person their place in this world through continuous growth by even putting theoretical learnings into practice. Growth and investment in the self all the time. A millionaire who can master that level in the game to reach the next level is more prepared than one who has no idea about where and when to start. T. Dench Patel, 20 April 2020, 17:09

Born entrepreneur or bred entrepreneur?

Born entrepreneur or bred entrepreneur?

Now, not every day a Stephen Hawking can be produced hence why there are certain exceptions, but if we were to think about it, entrepreneurs build skills, while some might build their skills later in life others have built it starting very early in life. Entrepreneur talents are skills such as good communication, creativity, innovation, self-starter and I am sure there’s more that can be added. These skills can only be built by doing, not talking about it, actual action and experience and this experience ultimately show you where’s one’s strongest points, or genius, as in the case of Warren Buffet, who is brilliant in investments, Bill Gates in software and Steve Jobs in technology.

Learn how to learn. Going to school teaches business language

Learn how to learn. Going to school teaches business language

They don’t know what they don’t know, they don’t have what they want to have, they can’t do what they want to do, their schedule is often a forced schedule, with school restricting them most of the time and it’s all these other factors that blur out the real meaning of being in school. Adult life seems much more fun, free, interesting, and appealing (because we can earn money). This is why kids want to have all these things so quickly rather than appreciate how lucky they are to have the time to build their business language and skills, not to mention enjoy being their age.

Harmony or balance? Which one is dominating your life right now?

Harmony or balance? Which one is dominating your life right now?

Now going back to Jeff Bezos and now Elon Musk, both of them say and other leaders all say and come back to this, do what you are passionate about because I believe that the more you do what you are passionate about you will upgrade to excellence in passion or some quote that talks of excellence in talent. Passion and following your passion according to leaders is long term sustainability and satisfaction.

How can betrayal be misrepresented?

How can betrayal be misrepresented?

I can say one thing for sure, betrayal is when something is done with 100% selfishness resulting in someone’s pain. It is often done to a person that cares, has/had trust for someone or loves someone. The hurt comes with a swipe (on big one) at a time meaning one action at a time. Almost as if one action or deed has erased/wiped out what everything has been built on. The first thing that comes to mind if I have to give a definition of the word betrayal is this. It is when someone feels cheated, robbed, lied to, manipulated by, abused by someone who has put their self-interest first often for something less valued, superficial and off the righteous path.

Betrayal usually comes from selfishness while mispresented betrayal comes from selflessness – T. Dench Patel, 6 April 2021, 17:01

Where does light come from?

Where does light come from?

Now to go even deeper just as diamonds do, did you know that natural diamonds form 150 to 200 km from the surface of the ground, a diamond is not ever formed on the earth’s surface. The diamond, its value, the shine, the light was once all carbon, a dark matter, that was once solid atoms arranged in a form of crystals. This is how come diamonds have traits of carbon in them. Diamonds found on the surface were transported perhaps through eruption.

Burning the boat

Burning the boat

So, knowing that the amount I had left and what I’d need to make up for the surprise trip for my parents to go around the world was far from reality I decided to do a test, a test about faith, to see if faith really exists or if destiny really exists, and so as I went through the rest of 2009… I went through it by choosing where I should try my luck next, chose between two decisions, often two destinations, chose a side of a coin, and flipped it, then went with it, and I said, “I am not re-flipping, I am not letting me have that choice.”… And so, 2009, has a pretty cool story, that had many heartbreaks cracking me open, to extents that became sabotaging, and the last coin flipping incident in 2009 landed me back in Spain.

Are you rejecting your experiences - Responsibility and Fault

Are you rejecting your experiences? – Responsibility and Fault

Hiroo Onoda was a lieutenant fighting in World War II. He was in a Philippines hideout when World War II ended in 1945 but he continued fighting the war up to 1974 because he wasn’t aware that the war was over. Not rejecting opportunities from moment to moment when we’re young is good, however, again, it’s choosing and rejecting according to what can help us grow and not what will waste our time. I will argue that choosing to go and ride a motorbike when we’ve never ridden one before is questionable, such as knowledge, practise, supervision and experience is required otherwise we may be putting our lives in danger.